Reporting Attendance

Student achievement and success can only be achieved when we work to ensure that students are in school every day to receive the support they need to succeed. We recognize that there are many experiences which cause adversity for families that can impact a student’s ability to attend regularly, including health challenges, family circumstances, hardship, community disruption, and more. MSD is committed to working closely with all of our families to recognize the importance of regular student attendance to help them make consistent progress toward achieving their greatest potential.
All students are expected to be in school each day, attending all of their classes from 8:00 a.m. to 2:55 p.m. Excused and unexcused absences are defined in the MSD Handbook. If students are quarantined as a result of COVID-19, their absence will be considered excused.
Student attendance will be recorded in PowerSchool and will be visible to parents/guardians through the parent portal. Students identified as chronically absent from school are students defined by the state as being enrolled for at least 10 days and absent for 10 percent or more of the time that they are required to be in attendance. MSD staff will communicate with parents/guardians directly to identify concerns and help to develop appropriate intervention and support strategies with the goal of re-engaging the student academically, socially, and emotionally to ensure continued progress in all areas.
Students experiencing extended absences due to the COVID-19 illness may qualify for Home and Hospital Services following the criteria outlined in the MSD Handbook. Students experiencing extended absences due to required quarantine who continue to meet with MSD employees and submit work will have their meetings and/or sessions tracked in a separate database to ensure they are given credit for their continued efforts and attendance at these appointments.
Should circumstances require a temporary shift to a virtual learning or a hybrid learning model, student attendance will be recorded and tracked in PowerSchool.