Individual Education Program (IEP) & Services

MSD will offer both in-person and virtual IEP meetings this year to allow families a choice that meets their many various needs. MSD will also continue to monitor health metrics and revisit and revise this decision as appropriate should MSD face emergency closure or full-time masking requirements again.
Compensatory Education Services
As required by federal law, all students at MSD have had a comprehensive review of data related to their services and instruction, and their progress during the extended school closure, including hybrid learning, to determine the need for Compensatory Education Services.
Families were contacted to provide feedback, input, and participate in conversations regarding Compensatory Education. There are many ways that Compensatory Education can be discussed, documented, and offered to families.
All students will be receiving additional support through their regular classroom instruction and specific curriculum designed to help recover gaps that are based on trends in school-wide or grade-band data collected. This additional instructional support is different from Compensatory Education. Students can receive both supports; one support does not exclude them from receiving the other.
Detailed information, including Frequently Asked Questions, and ASL video resources about Compensatory Education can be found online at
Related Services
MSD shall continue to provide Related Services on both campuses following the current safety guidelines. Service providers will utilize face shields during sessions if students returning from quarantine require masking or as an option always afforded to staff. Related Services include Audiology, Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Orientation and Mobility, and Physical Therapy. Due to the nature of speech-language services, some sessions may be delivered via a virtual platform with parent/guardian consent and permission, as the health and safety of students and therapists are the school's first priority.
If a student needs to quarantine at any time during the school year or if students must return to an online learning environment, related services will continue to be provided via a virtual platform.
School Counseling and Behavioral Support Services
In addition to supporting the integration of social-emotional learning (SEL) opportunities into daily instruction for students who require additional social-emotional support, individual and small group counseling will be offered in a confidential setting following the current safety guidelines. MSD will continue to provide behavioral support to students, staff, and families regarding student behavioral needs. This support may consist of sharing behavioral strategies, resources, and tools and collecting, analyzing, and disseminating behavioral data.
If a student needs to quarantine at any time during the school year or if students must return to an online learning environment, school counseling services will continue to be provided via a virtual platform.