Maps & Directions

Columbia Campus
8169 Old Montgomery Road
Columbia, MD 21044
Click on the file below to download and print the MSD-Columbia campus map.
From I-95 North / I-95 South
  1. Take Exit 43
  2. Exit Route 100 West
  3. Exit Snowden River Parkway
  4. Turn left on Route 108 at the first traffic light
  5. Columbia campus is on the left
From I-70
  1. Exit Route 29 South
  2. Exit Route 100 East
  3. Exit Snowden River Parkway
  4. Turn left on Route 108 at the first traffic light
  5. Columbia campus is on the left
Frederick Campus
101 Clarke Place
Frederick, MD 21701
Click on the file below to download and print the MSD-Frederick campus map.
From I-270 North
  1. Take Exit 31A to Market Street
  2. Stay on Route 85 North
  3. Turn left on South Market Street (Route 85)
  4. Turn right on Clarke Place
From I-70 Westbound
  1. Take Exit 54
  2. Take the right fork to Downtown Frederick
  3. Turn left on Monocacy Boulevard
  4. Turn right on South Market Street (Route 85)
  5. Turn right on Clarke Place
From I-70 Eastbound
  1. Take Exit 54
  2. Take the left fork to Downtown Frederick
  3. Turn left on Monocacy Boulevard
  4. Turn right on South Market Street (Route 85)
  5. Turn right on Clarke Place