IEP Meetings

Your child is eligible for special education and receives Individualized Educational Planning under the Federal Law. Special education is an all-encompassing provision that includes Maryland School for the Deaf.
Each student has at least one IEP meeting per year. Here are some of the types of meetings you could be invited to attend:
Note: Where you read "team" please be aware that parents/guardians are integral members and are intended as included where "team" is included.
New Student IEP Meeting/Conference: When families either move to Maryland, choosing to come to MSD, or a student transfers from one Maryland school to MSD, we have a "new student" to MSD. For students new to MSD, with or without an IEP, it is important to ensure that all documents have transferred from your sending school, or to plan for any assessments necessary to begin programming for your child. Typically, your child can begin attending school the next day.
Initial IEP: The very first IEP meeting that a student has either after their IFSP or when they are first identified for special education services; and, because Maryland requires that any time a student moves to the state of Maryland with an IEP from another state, the IEP team is required to determine their eligibility again; therefore, it is considered the "Initial IEP". Assessments will be shared and all goals and objectives that the team has drafted will be reviewed with you for your consideration and input. Your signature is necessary for the implementation of this first IEP.
Annual Review IEP: This is a yearly review of your child's IEP to determine their levels of progress and review of any new goals and objectives for the upcoming year. A new IEP is developed at this meeting.
Re-evaluation Planning IEP: All students, with an IEP must be re-evaluated at least every three years (or sooner) to determine their continuing eligibility for Special Education by federal law.
Your attendance is important to the team in assisting the review of your child's progress over time, and whether any new assessments, (and which assessments), are necessary for programming. A re-evaluation discussion is required every three years but additional testing may not be necessary. Testing may be recommended in some areas, but not others. If no testing is recommended in any area, this meeting can be combined with the Re-evaluation Determination IEP meeting (see below).
Re-evaluation Determination IEP: This meeting is the result of the Re-evaluation Determination IEP (and was formerly called the triennial). At this meeting, the school team comes prepared with the results of new/updated assessments, if any, that were determined necessary at the Re-evaluation Planning meeting, in addition to proposed goals and objectives for the coming year. The team determines if the assessment results support the continuing evidence of an educational disability and proceed with a review of the data, in addition to the goals and objectives. This meeting then serves as your child's Annual Review IEP for the next IEP cycle (a full year), as well.
Periodic Review IEP: Teachers or parents may request this type of meeting when additional information needs to be discussed, and it may create a change in the IEP.
IEP Addendum: This can be done when small changes to the IEP are necessary and have been discussed and agreed to by all members of the team, including the parents/guardians. You will need to sign the addendum, but rarely is a formal meeting necessary. The paperwork can be sent home for your convenience, and returned to the school for the record.
Note: Combining two different types of meetings is both efficient and appropriate for many of our students.
We strongly encourage your participation at all IEP and Intake Conferences. However, we understand the nature of life, work, travel and family, and ask that you contact us if you are unable to attend. If at all possible, we will provide you alternative means for participation and/or we will work closely with you to reschedule.
At MSD, your child's teacher is his/her direct IEP implementer, and they are the best resource at school to answer curriculum and classroom related questions; however, you and your child also have an IEP Coordinator who is the best person to answer questions regarding the law and state policies and procedures.
If your question is directly related to IEP/IEP procedures or processes, and has not been answered by the Coordinator, please contact Laura Riddell, Interim Director of IEP Services.