Student Health Center

Our registered school nurses are dedicated to providing exceptional health care services to our students.
The Student Health Center (SHC) provides nursing services, including comprehensive assessment, treatment, medication, and emergency responses for all students. Students may be seen at the SHC by scheduled appointment or on a walk-in basis. Our registered school nurses are available on a 24-hour basis, beginning Sunday evening and ending on Friday afternoon.
Additional Health Care
In an emergency situation, Columbia campus students are transported to Howard County General Hospital and Frederick campus students are transported to Frederick Memorial Hospital.
Physical Examination 
MSD requires an annual physical exam for all students. A physical exam completed within the previous 12 months must be on file in the SHC. When a physical exam expires, an updated physical exam is required within 20 days. Students with no physical exam on file will not be permitted to stay in the dorm or participate in after school sports related activities. The physical exam form is available online.
Registration - Health Forms
Health forms are mailed to parents during the summer. These forms along with a copy of the Health Insurance Card are due before the first day of school. All forms are available online.
  • Physical Exam Form
  • Emergency Medical Information Form
  • Consent to Treat Form
  • Blood Lead Testing Certificate Form (for all pre-school & 1st grade students)
 For new students, additional forms are required.
  • Immunization Form *
  • Physical Records
 * State regulations for immunizations change every year. Contact your physician for requirements.
Medication and Treatment
All medications taken by a student while at school must be administered by the school nurse. This includes both prescribed and over-the-counter medications and ointments. Each medication sent from home (both prescribed and over-the-counter) must be accompanied by a state required medication authorization form signed by both the parent and physician. Without this signed form, the school nurse will not be able to administer that medication to the student.
Vision Screenings
Annual vision screenings are offered to students of certain ages or grades, including new students. On Columbia campus, vision screenings are performed for students in pre-kindergarten or kindergarten, and grades 1 and 8. On Frederick campus, vision screenings are performed annually for students in pre-kindergarten or kindergarten, and grades 1, 5, and 8. Parents and guardians will be contacted in writing if they need further testing by a professional eye doctor.
Location, Hours, and Contact Information
Columbia Campus
There are two SHC locations on Columbia campus: the Steiner Student Health Center and the Baker Dorm Student Health Center. The Steiner Infirmary cares for students during school hours and is located in the Steiner Building, Room #209. The Baker Dorm cares for students after school hours and is located in the Baker Dorm, Room #21.
Sunday: 4:00pm to 11:00pm
Monday through Thursday: 7:00am to 11:00pm
Friday: 7:00am to 3:00pm
*There is a nurse on-call every night from 11:00pm to 7:00am. 
Contact Information
Parents can contact the SHC via email at [email protected]
Steiner Student Health Center
Main Phone (Voice): 410-696-3048
Mobile (Text): 410-428-5436
VideoPhone: 410-696-7438
Fax: 410-696-3091
Baker Dorm Student Health Center
Main Phone (Voice): 410-696-3047
Mobile (Text): 410-428-5436
VideoPhone: 443-583-4411
Fax: 410-696-3091
Frederick Campus
There are two SHC locations on Frederick campus: the Kent-McCanner Infirmary and the Satellite Student Health Center. The Kent-McCanner Infirmary cares for Family Education and Elementary students and is located in the Kent-McCanner Building in the support services wing. The Satellite Student Health Center cares for middle and high school students and residential students, and is located in the Klipp-Redmond Hall.
Sunday: 4:00pm to 11:00pm
Monday through Thursday: 7:00am to 11:00pm
Friday: 7:00am to 3:00pm
Contact Information
Parents can contact the SHC via email at [email protected].
Kent-McCanner Infirmary
Main Phone (Voice): 301-360-2040
Mobile (Text): 410-585-7056
VideoPhone: 240-575-2957
Fax: 301-360-2083
Satellite Student Health Center
Main Phone (Voice): 301-360-2095
Mobile (Text): 443-765-4862
VideoPhone: 240-575-2986
Fax: 301-360-2025
When to Keep Your Child at Home
For more information on the Student Health Center services at MSD, please contact: 
Alyssa Myers, RN | Registered Nurse Supervisor, Columbia Campus
Kimberly Ward, RN | Registered Nurse Supervisor, Frederick Campus
Alyssa Myers, RN
Registered Nurse Supervisor
[email protected]
Kimberly Ward, RN
Registered Nurse Supervisor
[email protected]