Family Ed & Early Childhood
The Family Education and Early Childhood Department is dedicated to providing every deaf and hard of hearing child and their family with a language-rich environment that supports early learning and development across multiple domains. Our goal is to create a nurturing experience at home, at school, and within the community in the following areas:
— Social and Emotional Development: Fostering social skills and emotional well-being, including forming relationships with others, managing their own emotions, and understanding the emotions of others.
— Approaches to Learning: Focusing on the skills and behaviors that children use to learn, problem solve, and interact with others.
— Language and Literacy: Building foundational skills in American Sign Language (ASL) and written English; preparing students to develop relationships with books, reading, and writing.
— Cognition and STEAM: Enhancing critical thinking abilities and sparking curiosity through interactive and engaging learning activities in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math.
— Physical Well-Being and Motor Development: Supporting children as they learn to move their bodies, control their muscles, and use their senses to learn about their environment.
We support young deaf and hard of hearing children and their families by offering:
— Home Visits: Personalized support and guidance within the home environment and/or community.
— Early Childhood Classes: Learning experiences designed to engage young children, ranging from play-based exploration to structured early academic activities.
— Family Classes, Workshops, and Events: Opportunities for families to learn together and connect with others. Families have access to ASL classes, parent support groups, and events in their home communities, and workshops on campus.
— Related Services: Available as needed to students on an MSD IEP; includes speech, occupational therapy, physical therapy, orientation and mobility, and vision services.
Our comprehensive approach ensures that all children receive the support necessary to thrive, reach their full potential, and develop into responsible lifelong learners.