Overview of Classes
The time from birth to five offers children a great opportunity of learning; this is when brain development is at its most active. Young children enrolled in our program benefit from our strong emphasis on family engagement, language acquisition, and the five domains of learning: Social and Emotional Development, Approaches to Learning, Language and Literacy, Early Cognition and STEAM, and Physical Well-Being and Motor Development.
We serve as a resource for young children to acquire knowledge over time; our classes provide opportunities for young children to develop critical thinking, social-emotional, and problem-solving skills through scaffolded and interactive experiences. Every activity and lesson in our classrooms is created to help young children explore, imagine, share, and to grow in a safe and nurturing environment.
In our play-based and language-rich environment, young children will have endless opportunities to engage in multiple means of action and expression; whether building a plane to fly off or to drawing/writing in their journal about a science project. While academics play a role in their development, we believe in a balanced approach that involves families for enhancing the whole child.
— Early Childhood Classes
Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers, and PreKindergarteners enroll in half-day and full-day classes held at Centers on each MSD campus. All children will be immersed in both ASL and written English throughout the school day. Our accredited program incorporates early learning resources and curriculum, which are approved by the Maryland State Department of Education: Maryland College and Career-Ready Standards (for Pre-Kindergarten), Healthy Beginnings Guidelines, Maryland Early Learning Standards, and the Children Discover their World Curriculum (for Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten).
— Infant Classroom
Infants who are 6 months to 18 months can experience interactive learning through play with peers and parents/caregivers. Staff follow our youngest learners, providing support, language exposure, and encouragement while they explore. These half-day classes are offered two mornings per week.
— Walker Classroom
This is a unique opportunity for older infants who are 18 months to 24 months and walking, where they continue to learn through play with their peers and build up language skills and background knowledge about the world around them. These half-day classes are offered three mornings a week.
— Toddler Classroom
This is a wonderful opportunity for the toddlers to acquire new skills and knowledge through scaffolded and interactive experiences in a language-rich environment with peers. These half-day classes are offered Monday through Friday mornings.
— Preschool Classroom
The Preschool class provides structured and unstructured activities for three-year-old children in a language-rich environment. The preschool class meets five days a week, and is a full-day class for students on an MSD IEP; children on an extended IFSP may attend this class in the mornings. The Preschool class uses Children Explore their World, a project-based curriculum developed by the University of Maryland in conjunction with the Maryland State Department of Education. Breakfast and lunch are provided. For students on an IEP, transportation is available as a related service on the IEP. Other related services are available as needed.
— Pre-Kindergarten Classroom
The Pre-Kindergarten class provides structured and unstructured activities designed to prepare students for kindergarten in a language-rich environment. The Pre-Kindergarten class meets five days a week and is a full-day class. The Pre-Kindergarten class uses Children Study their World, a project-based curriculum developed by the University of Maryland in conjunction with the Maryland State Department of Education. Breakfast and lunch are provided. For students on an IEP, transportation is available as a related service on the IEP. Other related services are available as needed.
— Visual Media Class
This is a unique opportunity for preschool and pre-kindergarten students focusing on encouraging creativity and expression through drama, rhythm, movement, and art, with an emphasis on ASL, written English, and Deaf Culture. This class is offered every day for approximately 30 to 40 minues.
— Related Services
Related services are available as needed for students on an MSD IEP. These services include speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, orientation and mobility, and vision services. Services are provided based on a child's needs, and are documented on their IEP.
In addition, MSD is able to provide audiology services to children at MSD, including audiology testing, hearing aid troubleshooting, and cochlear implant mapping to support children who have cochlear implants for more than one year. MSD audiologists collaborate with implant centers to maintain the appropriate programs for children's cochlear implants.
— Collaboration with Service Providers
MSD works collaboratively with professionals from various public and private programs and agencies to support families in promoting the development of the whole child. Public and private agencies include (but are not limited to): local Infants and Toddlers Programs, hospitals, daycare providers, Head Start programs, public and private preschools, and local school systems.