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60 Years of Integration

Go to Video Gallery Added Mar 06, 2018
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This is the second video in the 150th Anniversary Video Series featuring our students and staff as they narrate the history of the Maryland School for the Colored Deaf from its establishment in 1872 to its integration in 1956. This year, MSD recognizes its 60 years of integration.

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  • 00:18 AUDIBLE is an Academy Award Nominee for Best Documentary Short Subject!

    The Maryland School for the Deaf is excited to share that AUDIBLE is an Academy Award nominee for Best Documentary Short Subject. Streaming worldwide on Netflix, AUDIBLE is directed by Matt Ogens and executive produced by Nyle DiMarco, an MSD alumnus class of 2007.

    Featuring our student-athletes, AUDIBLE is a coming-of-age film following high school athlete Amaree McKenstry ('20) and his close friends as they face the pressures of senior year and grapple with the realities of venturing off into the world after high school.

    Uploaded Mar 01, 2022

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