Individual Education Program (IEP)
Because MSD students all have specialized instruction, support, and services documented on an IEP, MSD follows guidance from the Maryland State Department of Education and the Office of Special Education Programs, within the U.S. Department of Education.
Amendment to the IEP for Distance Learning
An Amendment to the IEP for Distance Learning is documentation of any modifications to the Individual Education Plan (IEP) during the prolonged school closure due to COVID-19. The Amendment targets specific academic goals and related services that families and school team members agree are critical for each child's unique, continued learning needs in virtual platforms. The Amendment explains how services and academics are delivered and how frequently they are provided for each student and family. Each student's IEP remains in place during this time, and is implemented to the fullest extent possible. Virtual IEP meetings are held for each student and family to ensure family input and participation throughout, and to ensure that when MSD reopens, a current IEP will be in effect.
A Parent's Guide: Navigating Special Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Formal Evaluations
Formal evaluations will be available. As emergency closures continue to impact in-person contact with students, MSD will provide limited options for the completion of assessments for special education services and support by all IEP team members.
Related Services
Given the health and safety concerns present in the current pandemic, the way some services are provided may need to be delivered remotely, telephonically, or by other distance learning methods. To the greatest extent possible, all related services will be provided. Related services include supports such as Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Orientation and Mobility, Audiology, and sometimes Counseling.
Audiology Services
During Stage One, the MSD Audiology Team is available to answer questions from students, families, or staff via email, phone, or other virtual meeting platform.
- Troubleshooting concerns with hearing aids, cochlear implants, or Baha/Ponto devices
- Determining the best way to connect listening devices to laptops, computers, chrome books, or iPads
- Sharing ideas for opportunities for listening practice at home and in your neighborhood
- Recommendations for local audiology clinics to help with urgent services your family may need
Michelle Bode | Audiologist/Director of Related Services
Email: [email protected]
Google Voice Number: 240-397-9254
Amanda Connelly | Audiologist
Email: [email protected]
Revised July 27, 2022