Wellness Policy

MSD Mission Statement
The Maryland School for the Deaf (MSD), a diverse, bilingual community, in partnership with families, provides an equitable and exemplary education in a nurturing, engaging, and challenging environment to ensure our students achieve personal excellence and become lifelong learners.
MSD Leadership Team understands that to achieve our above mission, promoting health and wellness for students and staff contributes to a positive learning environment, as well as encouraging life-long healthy lifestyles.
To provide a school environment that supports the nutritional, educational, and physical needs of students.
Food Service
Lunch provided by MSD shall conform to the standards set by the National School Lunch Program through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
MSD will provide meals that conform to the MSD Nut Awareness Policy.
For students that require special dietary accommodations, parent/guardians should complete the MSD Diet Modification Form.
At the beginning of each school year, upon being informed of any health changes for a student, and upon admission of new students, the nursing department will provide the Chief Educational Programs Officer, Department Principal, the Food Service Manager, and other staff who would need to know under HIPPA Guidelines, a list of each student with food allergies.

Students will be encouraged to practice proper hand washing/hand sanitizing at meals.
MSD will provide meals in a clean environment conducive to promoting healthy eating choices.
Other Food
No outside food will be sold at MSD during the school day.
Any outside food brought to MSD must conform to the federal Smart Snack requirements, the Maryland Nutrition Standards for All Foods Sold in School, the MSD Nut Awareness Policy and is encouraged to contain healthy good choices.
School sponsored events, during the school day, will promote the use of healthy food choices, conform to the federal Smart Snack requirements and the Maryland Nutrition Standards for All Foods Sold in School.
MSD will limit the use of food as a reward and promote the use of non-food rewards for accomplishments or positive behaviors.
Physical Education/Physical Activity
MSD will provide physical education to all students in accordance with Maryland State Department of Education curriculum guidelines.
MSD will offer recess daily to elementary students.
Due to the layout of the MSD campuses, students will receive the benefits of walking to change classes between buildings.
MSD will offer after school sports and activities to provide students opportunities for additional physical activity.
Nutrition and Wellness Education/Promotion
MSD will provide health education to students in accordance with the Maryland State Department of Education curriculum guidelines. The curriculum includes but is not limited to topics on nutrition, fitness, alcohol, tobacco and drugs, and emotional health.
MSD will provide additional nutrition and/or health education through classroom or group activities and through high school course choices. These high school courses include but are not limited to fitness for life, current health issues, food and nutrition, and culinary science.
MSD will promote healthy nutrition practices for outside of the school day by demonstrating proper portion sizes, publicizing the lunch menu, providing taste testing of new healthy products and using posters and other media throughout the school buildings promoting healthy eating and life styles.
MSD will not market food or beverages during the school day.
Other Activities/Wellness Initiatives
MSD will ensure that drinking water is provided at all times throughout the day.
Dietary staff will be trained on the National School Lunch Program and safe food handling techniques.
MSD staff will be provided wellness education and activities through the State of Maryland Department of Human Resources.
MSD's Superintendent, Chief Financial/Operating Officer, or designee shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with the Wellness Policy.
MSD will encourage comments on the policy from the Food Service Managers, Athletic Director, Department Principals, and Director of Curriculum and Instruction.
MSD's Food Service Managers will report to the MSD Leadership Team (MLT) at least twice per year on the nutrition and wellness activities occurring in the MSD cafeterias.
MSD's Director of Curriculum and Instruction will report to MSD at least annually on any issues implementing nutrition, health and wellness curriculum. 
MSD will form a wellness committee at each campus, under the leadership of the Administrative Officer and Food Service Managers. This committee will meet at least quarterly to discuss the policy and clarify or develop any needed regulations.
MSD's wellness committee will be representative of different departments and could include any/all of the following: administration, food service, nursing, education, athletics, and dorms. 
MSD will annually disseminate the Wellness Policy through the MSD Student Handbook.
MSD will post the Wellness Policy on its website at www.msd.edu and invite public comment annually. 
Triennial Assessment
MSD will ensure an assessment of this policy occurs every three years and is conducted by the Wellness Committee. This assessment will measure the progress made in attaining the goals of this Wellness Policy by comparing this to a model policy to ensure MSD's compliance with the policy.
The assessment will be documented and a written report will be posted on the MSD website.
Read the 2024 Wellness Policy Triennial Assessment Data Report for the Maryland School for the Deaf.