Public Comment Policy

The Maryland School for the Deaf's Board of Trustees welcomes public participation at its annual and regular meetings. This policy provides the following rules and guidelines for public participation at those meetings.
Individual participants must pre-register by completing the Public Comment Registration Form at least 72 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting. The link to the Public Comment Registration Form will be included with the Meeting Notice that will be posted on the school's website and social media sites no less than one week prior to a scheduled meeting.
Public comments are permitted during the time designated on the board meeting agenda, unless otherwise directed by the Board President. The Board will reserve five (5) slots for speakers who wish to comment on issues or items on the meeting agenda. Each registered speaker will have up to three (3) minutes to address the Board.
The five (5) available slots will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. A separate pre-registration will be required for each virtual or in-person meeting.
Titles rather than individual names should be used when addressing the Board. Concerns that are confidential, such as student-specific and personnel issues, cannot be discussed during the public comment.
Individuals attending the meetings must conduct themselves with respect and civility toward others. Abusive, profane, threatening, or harassing language and/or personal attacks will not be permitted. The Board President or presiding officer may prohibit further comment at the meeting by a speaker whose remarks violate this rule.
Generally, board members do not respond to comments from the public. Issues requiring possible action by the board may be added to a future meeting agenda, and issues that can be addressed by the Board Secretary will be noted.
Petitions or written correspondence directed to the board shall be presented to the board by the Board President or Secretary at the next regularly scheduled board meeting.
Download the PDF of the Public Comment Policy.